How to Generate QR Code for Free Online

The Quick Response code or the QR code in short has become very popular with mobile devices specially the smartphones. The QR code is a two dimensional bard code which can contain coded form of a message like telephone number, web site URL etc. You can scan any QR code using the camera of your smartphone and it would decode it and show you the encoded message in it. Normally businesses print their QR codes on various items. But now you can generate your own QR code for free online. Here is how :

  1. Visit in your web browser.
  2. Select a content type that you want to encode. You can choose URL, text, telephone number or SMS.
  3. Type in the content in the given box. I have chosen to type the URL of this web site in the content to be encoded.

    Generate Your Own QR Code Online

  4. Select a size from the drop down menu : S, M, L or XL which are abbreviations for small, medium, large and extra large.
  5. Finally click on the Generate button to generate the QR code graphic. In a matter of seconds, the QR code graphic and the sharing code would be shown on the left side. You can right-click on this graphic and save the image to your computer or you can use the permalink URL to this QR code to use on your site or blog.

Once your QR code is generated you can use it to put on your web site, blog or personal items like mugs, t-shirts etc. The web site I like for this is, which allows you to put your QR code to tattoes, shirts, stickers, car magnets etc.