ToolWiz Time Freeze : Protection from Unwanted Changes

Often it happens that you try a new software on your Windows system and it installs toolbars and makes other changes that you never wanted in the first place. And if you are hit with a nasty malware, then that malware can make many unknown and undesirable changes in your Windows settings. But thanks to ToolWiz Time Freeze, now you can revert all the changes made to your Windows system easily.

Toolwiz Time Freeze is a free instant system protection tool to keep your system safe and always like new. It protects your system from any unwanted changes and malicious activity in low disk level. With a simple click, it puts your actual system under virtual protection on the fly and creates a virtual environment as a copy of the real system, on which you can evaluate applications, watch movies, and perform online activities. It provides higher-level security to computer protection, and greatly improves the efficiency of virtual system. In short, its a sandbox for the entire Windows system.

ToolWiz Time Freeze is designed by the ToolWiz Software and supports Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. All the 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows are supported. You can download it from the ToolWiz web site. The downloaded file is merely 2 megabytes long in size and is a setup installer. After the installation you can start Time Freeze application from its desktop shortcut.

ToolWiz Time Freeze

If you want to test a new software or want to visit a suspicious website then just click on the Start Time Freeze button and it would create a virtual environment as a copy of the actual Windows system. All the changes made afterwards (including system file changes, registry changes and other system settings) are made to this virtual environment and not the actual system. This effectively protects you from any unwanted or malicious changes made to your system. When you are done testing a new software or browsing a suspicious web site, just restart your Windows. Upon restart, the virtual environment of Time Freeze would be destroyed and you would back in actual Windows – without any unwanted changes!

Time Freeze also has another function called File Protection. Using this File protection, you can protect any custom files or folders when the Time Freeze is on. This way you can not only protect system files but any other custom files and folders too.

ToolWiz Time Freeze does for the entire Windows system, what Sandboxie does for individual applications. It is a very useful security tool for keeping your system untouched from any malware and malicious websites. You can download ToolWiz Time Freeze from

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