Bing Wallpaper Downloader : Set Bing Backgrounds As Desktop Wallpapers

Bing has such amazing backgrounds that we all get tempted to download them and use them as Windows desktop backgrounds (wallpapers). But you cannot just right-click and download these lovely Bing images as Bing webmasters have designed it in such a way. But you can use a free application called Bing Wallpaper Downloader to download and set those Bing images as your desktop wallpaper.

Bing Wallpaper Downloader is a free software for Windows that allows you to download all Bing wallpaper images to your computer and change your desktop background with these images automatically. When you run it for the first time, it will download the last one month’s Bing wallpaper images. Afterwards, it will regularly check for new images and download them automatically. Also, Wallpaper Downloader can change your computer desktop background with the downloaded images in slideshow mode.

You can download Bing Wallpaper Downloader from its website. The downloaded file is an installer package of around 800 kilobytes in size. It automatically sets itself to run every time you start Windows. When you run it for the first time, it asks you to create an account. This account is necessary for the application to work properly.

Bing Wallpaper Downloader

Once you have created an account by supplying the email address and password, it would start to download images from Bing website. By default, it saves the downloaded images in a sub-folder Bing Wallpaper in your user profile’s Pictures folder. But you can change it if needed. After it has finished downloading the images, you can see the images gallery in the main window. Clicking on an image would set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Bing Wallpaper Downloader

You can enable or disable automatically changing of the wallpaper. You can choose the wallpaper style from Fit, Tile or Center. You can change the wallpaper setting frequency from 10 seconds to 12 hours. You can select to shuffle the wallpapers or select them one after another in the order of the date they were displayed on the Bing webpage. If it switches the wallpaper to some image that you do not like, then you can click on the Previous or the Next buttons to change it to something else – probably something more pleasant.

Wallpaper downloader does provide the ‘downloading’ and ‘automatically setting wallpaper’ features, but it also comes with a few nuisances. One thing is that you have to sign up for the program to work and supply your email address while other similar programs work without any such requirement. Then it pops up a “What’s New” window every now and then, which is loaded with advertisements. However, this “What’s New” window can be disabled from My Account & Settings section the Wallpaper Downloader.

You can download Bing Wallpaper Downloader from :