Modify PDF Document Properties with PDF Info Changer

It has become relatively easier to create PDF documents in the recent years compared to a decade ago when you had to buy commercial PDF suites to be able to save PDF documents. Now Windows 10 comes with a PDF printer of its own and if you do not like it, then there are dozens of free third party PDF printers available online that you can download and install in Windows. Other than this now many office suites including Microsoft Office, Open Office and Libre Office support saving the documents directly as PDF documents. When you create a PDF document, it is assigned some metadata or document properties like the creator name, document creation date, PDF creation software and more.

If you want to modify this metadata saved inside a PDF document then you can try the PDF Info Changer software. This small software enables you to view and change the PDF document properties and metadata information like the document author, title, subject, keywords, creator, PDF producer software name, PDF version and other file properties.

You have to drag and drop a PDF document on the File Name text field in the PDF Info Changer application. For some reason, the Open File button does not work sometimes and causes the app to crash immediately. After modifying the different properties for the open PDF document, you can click on the Save button to save the changes back to the PDF documents.

PDF Info Changer

Other than the basic properties, this program also has options to change how the document is viewed when you try to open it in any PDF viewer application like Adobe Acrobat or Foxit PDF Reader etc. You can change whether toolbar, menubar and window user interface should be hidden for the PDF viewer application. You can also change whether the document title should be displayed, center the window or resize window to the first page size. The document page layout and the page mode can also be modified.

You can download PDF Info Changer from