Norton Halt Protects Android Devices from Known Vulnerabilities

Every now and then, security researchers find out one or another vulnerability in various operating systems including Android. These vulnerabilities are sometimes already known to the cyber-criminals and they continue to use them in malicious apps to infect or take over your Android devices. The only way to prevent these malicious apps is to check whether your Android device suffers from such vulnerabilities and then take the appropriate action. Norton Halt, an app from the well known security firm Symantec, can test your Android device for the existence of dozens of known vulnerabilities. It can also prevent the USSD exploit from being used by a malicious app or website.

After the installation of the Norton Halt app, you are displayed a long list of vulnerabilities or exploits that you can test your device for. Norton Halt can test your Android device for QuadRooter vulnerability, Towelroot vulnerability, Mediaserver vulnerability, Keyrings vulnerability, Stagefright vulnerability, Lock Screen Bypass vulnerability, Serialization vulnerability, Android Browser SOP vulnerability, Apache Cordova vulnerability, Fake ID vulnerability, Root Access vulnerability, Master Key exploit, Hidden Device Administrator exploit and the USSD exploit.

Norton Halt for Android

For all of them, you can just tap on the Check or Scan buttons displayed under each of these vulnerabilities or exploits. Norton Halt will scan your device for the presence of any files or apps that could indicate these vulnerabilities or exploits and will show you the results in a few seconds. For most of these, the only solution suggested is to upgrade the Android operating system if an upgrade is available from the device manufacturer. It also suggests that you install Norton Mobile Security app (it is not free) for further protection.

Norton Halt for Android

The only exploit it can fix is the USSD exploit which basically processes all the USSD codes through the Norton Halt app before some of these malicious codes can do some damage to your device. Nevertheless, it is always better to know about all the exploits and vulnerabilities that your device suffers from.

Norton Halt for Android

You can download the Norton Halt app for Android from