Using Bing Reverse Image Search to Find More About Images

There is so much deception on the social networks that you have to be always on alert about who you are talking to. There are so many people who use fake pictures on their social network accounts in order to attract their victims.  But in many case, these fake accounts can easily be checked by performing a reverse image search on their profile images.

Reverse image search is a free service being offered by all the mains search engines including Google and Bing. On the Bing search it used to be called “Image Match” when they first started it in 2014. But now they have renamed it to “Search by Image” but the functionality is more or less is same.

Bing Reverse Image Search

The first thing you have to do is either download the image you want to investigate about on your computer or right-click on it and copy its URL to the clipboard. Once this is done, you can head over to the Bing image search ( and wait for the website to load fully. After this click in the search text field (where you type in something to search for it) and you will see a small camera icon appear next to it. Click on this icon to open the “Search by Image” options.

Bing Reverse Image Search

Basically, you have only two options – upload an image from your computer or copy-paste the URL link for the image. You can pick any of the options but URL copy-paste is much faster option in most cases. Sometimes the Bing servers cannot fetch the image from the URL because it is hidden from them, in that case you have to download the image first and then upload it to Bing image search using the first option.

Bing Reverse Image Search

Proceeding using any of these options will show you the image as well as other useful information about it. You will find all the webpages on which this image or a slight modification of this image exists. This is a really useful feature if you want to know someone is using a fake image on Facebook or twitter profile.