Tag: Sensors

Turn off Windows Location Provider in Windows 8

The Windows Location Provider feature in Windows allows applications to find your geographical location. This feature can make use of GPS hardware in your computer directly or it can make use of IP address resolution, Wi-Fi or cellphone tower triangulation methods to locate you geographically. Some people might find it invasion of privacy. If you want, then you can turn off the Windows Location Provider feature in Windows 8.

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Find Your Current Location in Windows Using Geosense

If you are lost in an unknown place, then you can find your current geographical position using a GPS device. But what if you do not have such a device? You can still locate yourself on the map using a Windows Location Sensor called Geosense. Geosense is a free Windows Sensor for Windows 7 using which you can find your current geographical location on the map if you only have a working internet connection.

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