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Use Bing Maps to find route directions

You can use Bing Maps to find the route directions for your travel between one or more than one places. You can print, save, email the maps. You can also choose the places that would fall in your travel route. Here is how :

  1. Visit
  2. Suppose you want to go to Tampa, Florida from the New York City. Then in the field with green flag type New York, NY and in the text field with the red field type Tampa, FL. Then click on the button labeled Get directions to get the route map.

  3. By default directions for travel by car are shown. If you want to see the directions for other means of travel like an airplane, then you can click on the car icon on the bottom-left. You can click on the printer icon to print the map. You can click on the traffic-signal icon to see the traffic on this route.

  4. Suppose you want to go through your destination via a third place which is not included in the Bing’s suggested routes, then you can easily add it to the route. For example, you want to go to Tampa, Florida from the New York City, through(via) Lexington. Then just place your mouse cursor anywhere over the suggested oute. You would find it turn into a round circle. Drag that circle to the place you want to include in your route. In the following picture we will drag the circle to Lexington :

Bing Maps are very easy to use and a very useful tool for all kinds of people who want to plan their travel route before hand. Best of all, they are absolutely free to use anywhere in the world.

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