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Toggle Javascript in Chrome with Quick Javascript Switcher

Javascript is one of the basic building blocks of websites. It can make the webpages dynamic and add many features using javascript libraries like jQuery or Mootools. But some websites make use of javascript to prevent users from right-clicking, showing annoying popups or load the images in the background. If you feel perturbed by these sort of websites, then you can quickly switch off javascript on those webpages using the Quick Javascript Switcher.

The Quick Javascript Switcher extension can be installed from the Google Chrome Web Store. After you have installed this extension in the Chrome web browser, you will see a new icon in the Google Chrome toolbar. When you are on a website, you can click on the this icon to turn off javascript on that webpage. The icon would change from green color to red color, indicating that the javascript has been turned off.

In the Quick Javascript Switcher extension options, you can view all the blocked domains or sub-domains. If you want to open the Chrome settings that block javascript, then you can click on the Open Javascript Settings. If you want to clear all the settings that you have set to block the javascript on different domains, then you can click on the Clear Javascript settings by JQS button.

The Quick Javascript Switcher is a very useful extension for Chrome browser that can help you selectively block javascript on specific websites. Although Google Chrome allows you to block javascript through its settings, but these settings are buried deep inside Chrome options. Instead you can use the Quick Javascript Switcher extension which allows you to block javascript quickly without digging deep into the Chrome options.

You can download Quick Javascript Switcher extension from

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