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Find Similar or Identical Images Using TinEye Reverse Image Search

TinEye Reverse Image Search

TinEye Reverse Image Search allows you to look for images that are similar or identical to a certain image. You can reverse search for images using their URL links or upload them to the TinEye website and look for the matches. TinEye reverse image search engine works by creating a digital fingerprint of every image, tries to look for matching digital fingerprints and shows you the results. In most cases the results are impressive. Using TinEye you can search for an image to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified or newer versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions.

Using TinEye reverse image search requires you to first visit the TinEye website, copy/paste the URL of the image that you want to look for (or upload the image) and then it will show you the matching images. If you have to do this once in a while, then it should be no problem. But if you perform reverse image search more often, then it can soon become frustrating to visit the TinEye website and enter the URL again and again. Instead you can use the TinEye browser extensions to quickly perform a reverse image search for any image on any website.

TinEye browser extensions are available for all the major web browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari. After installation of the extension, it would add a new context-menu item for all the images displayed in your web browser. To perform reverse image search for any image on a webpage, all you have to do is right-click on that image and select Search Image on TinEye.

This would open the TinEye website with the URL of that image automatically filled in. In a short time, you would find all the matches which look similar to or identical to the original image along with their image format type, resolution and the website on which they are located. You can sort the search results by best matched images (default), most changed images, biggest images, newest images etc.

But you can also customize the way reverse image search results sorting is done in the extension settings itself. The TinEye extension settings give you options for selecting the sort order from last used, best match, most changed or biggest image. You can also choose whether the search results should be opened in a background tab, foreground tab or the current tab.

Sometimes other extensions installed interfere with the TinEye extension in such a way that its context-menu is either not visible or it does not work. In that case, you can try removing or disabling other extensions from your web browser.

The TinEye reverse image search is very comprehensive reverse image search engine. It allows you to find similar looking or identical images available on the internet. It can be used in multiple ways, for example, you can find if someone else has been using your images on their website, if an image you shared has gone viral, if there are higher resolutions of a small image available and so on.

You can download TinEye Reverse Image Search extensions for various web browsers from

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