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Add Zoom & Rotate Options for Images in Firefox

Sometimes when browsing the websites we find some of the images rotated in the undesired way, like upside down, flipped side wise or shown in smaller dimensions. This is specially true for amateur websites designed with simple HTML. For example, I stumbled upon a website for earthenware earlier and the web site author had uploaded the very large pictures with smaller dimensions. Usually if you want to zoom in or rotate the images to look at them closely or from a different angle, then you have to download them first to your computer and use your local image viewer. But if you use the Image Zoom extension in Firefox, then you can zoom and rotate any image on any website by just right-clicking on it.

You can download and install the Image Zoom extension for Firefox from the Mozilla add-ons repository. After the installation a restart is required and then you can start zooming or rotating any of the images on the websites. In order to zoom an image, you can right-click on it and then select any options from the Zoom Image context-menu. You can choose various zooming percentages or define your own custom dimensions.

If you want to rotate an image, then you can right-click on that image, choose Rotate Image and then select an option from right rotate, left rotate or 180°. Later if you want to remove the zoom or rotation angle, then you can choose to reset the zoom or the rotation.

In the Image Zoom options, you can choose which options appear in the Image Zoom right-click context-menu. You can choose which mouse button actions are associated with zooming or rotating features.

Conclusion: The Image Zoom extension for Firefox allows you to easily zoom in, zoom out, fit image to screen or rotate any image within a web page without having to download the image first. All this can be done by using the context menu or a combination of mouse buttons and scroll wheel.

You can download the Image Zoom extension for Firefox from

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