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AbAlarm is Alarm Clock and Countdown Timer for Windows

When you are busy doing your work on your computer, you often forget about other things – making an important call, running an errand, picking your kids from school, something that you had put in oven an hour ago and so on. How many times it happens that you forget to drink the coffee after one or two sips and it gets cold? For all these problems arising from staying too much busy and perhaps a little forgetfulness, you can use a simple timer or alarm clock to remind you of what you should be doing at a moment. Although most of the smartphones come with some sort of timer app, you need a Windows application like AbAlarm to get your full attention.

AbAlarm for Windows is an alarm clock and countdown timer for Windows computers. You can create many alarms and countdown timers, to remind you of various appointments, todo tasks and more. For example, after you put tea water in the kettle, you can use AbAlarm to set a timer for 5 minutes that can remind you in Windows to go and take the kettle off the stove.

The AbAlarm application has a very interactive interface and the circular timer resembles that of the Android Kitkat operating system. You can create a new alarm or countdown by clicking on New Alarm/Countdown and then giving the new alarm/countdown a name (e.g., Going to bed), setting a timeout period or future time and also assigning a task to perform (e.g., launch an application, shutdown Windows etc.).

If you do not know the times for some tasks, then you can search Google for them. For example, if you do not know how long it would take for the Pizza to be ready, then you can Google about it. But AbAlarm also comes with many timer/alarm templates for making tea, pizzas and cakes – making it very easy to create timers related to these items.

After creating the timers or alarms, you can start them by clicking on the “play” button inside them. When the time comes, the timers or alarms that you have set will play a loud sound to alert you and trigger the respective tasks (like opening webpages, shutting down Windows, launch a program and so on).

Conclusion: AbAlarm makes it very easy to create alarms and set timers in Windows. It can alert you not only by playing a loud sound, but it can also launch applications, open websites, shutdown Windows and more.

You can download AbAlarm from

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