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Replace Microsoft PDF Printer with a Better One in Windows 10

Beginning with Windows Vista, Microsoft pushed the XPS document format to the Windows users in an attempt to replace the already dominating and versatile PDF file format. But even after the non-stop promotion for many years, they could not really make the XPS documents more popular than the PDF documents. So finally Microsoft has come to its senses and now they offer a virtual PDF printer along with the usual virtual XPS printer in the new Windows 10. But even now, the Microsoft supplied PDF printer does not offer any options at all other than the very basic necessary ones like document size and the document color.

Why would someone use this Microsoft PDF printer when there are dozens of high quality, feature rich and free virtual PDF printer programs available on the internet (CutePDF, PrimoPDF, doPDF, Bullzip PDF to name a few)? Anyway, if you cannot really comprehend this move of Microsoft, then you better get rid of the Microsoft supplied PDF printer and install one of the third-party and feature-loaded PDF printers on your Windows 10. Here is how:

  1. Click on the Start button in the taskbar and select Settings from the menu that opens up.
  2. In the Settings app that is opened, click on the Devices category. Under this category all the peripherals including the printers and virtual printers are displayed.
  3. On the Devices screen, select Printers & Scanners from the left side pane.
  4. On the right-side of the window, you would see all the printers and scanners installed on your PC. Scroll down and select Microsoft Print to PDF and then click on Remove device.
  5. Now that you have got rid of the useless Microsoft PDF printer, you can download one of the third party PDF printers like CutePDF, PrimoPDF, doPDF, Bullzip PDF etc. My personal favorite is PrimoPDF which allows encryption and password protection along with three different levels of file sizes for various requirements.

The Microsoft Print to PDF virtual PDF printer is a basic bare-bones PDF printer and does not really offer any features. You will be better off by removing this almost-dummy printer and installing any of the third-party PDF printer software that comes with much more features.

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