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AlomWare Purger Helps Rid of Large Files from Windows PC

No matter how large hard disk you install in your PC, there comes a day when it runs out of the free disk space. And that day we get the surprise alert from Windows telling us that the hard disk has run out of the space. Bewildered, we check the hard disk in File Explorer many times and get even more puzzled as to how and where all the disk space has gone. We forget about all the multi-gigabyte games, operating system ISO images and movies we have downloaded from the internet over a period of months or years. If you no longer need these large files then the AlomWare Purger can help you out instantly.

Purger is a simple application that focuses on finding large size files, for example, files larger than 100 MB in size, files comprising of CD images (700 MB), files belonging to DVD images (4.7 GB) and more. You have to launch the Purger application, choose a disk drive where you want to perform the search, choose the file size criteria from the drop-down listbox and then click on the Start Searching Files.

Pretty soon it finds all the large files as per the file size criteria you had selected. If you are not sure which files you should delete, you can double-click on the files to Google about them. It will display Google results about the file type in one tap and the Google results about the exact filename information in another tab. based on this information, you can make a decision about which files you want to keep and which you want to delete. Other than this, it will display the files that cannot or should not be deleted in red color.

After selecting the files you wish to delete, you can click on Delete ticked files to get rid of them. You can also move these files to another folder instead of deleting them by clicking on the Move ticked files to and choose a destination folder.

Conclusion: Purger can make space on your hard disk by getting rid of the large and very large files that you had downloaded or copied some time ago but now you no longer need. If you are planning to buy a new hard disk or Solid State Disk, stop and use Purger first – perhaps you do not need a new disk and just need to clean all the large files taking up your disk space.

You can download Purger from

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