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Back4Sure : Backup Tool with Encryption and Compression

There is no excuse for not backing up your important files specially now when the storage devices have become cheaper in price, larger in storage space, and more reliable than ever before. Keeping regular backups of your important files offers an effective protection against all kinds of data theft, accidental deletions, malware infections, disk failures, file corruptions and other unforeseen accidents. What discourages people the most is the complex looking backup software that is full of very complicated technical terms that nobody but the developers understand. Fortunately, there are many simpler and easier to use backup programs like the Back4Sure backup software for Windows.

Back4Sure is available both as a portable application as well as in form of an installable setup package. The software is designed to be very easy for the novice user at the same time it comes packed with some the very advanced features.

In the Back4Sure interface you have to choose the source folders from a folder tree control on the left – you can select one or more folder as needed. You also have to write a job description so that you can easily identify this backup job at later times. On the right side, you have to select the target folder. After this you can click either Backup Now! to start the backing up of the files or you can click on the Backup and Cleanup which would remove the source files after creating a backup.

For the advanced users, there are many other features and options available like – filters (selectively backup files), compression (create ZIP archives), encryption (using ZIPCrypto or AES256), cleanup (how to remove files after backup job), actions (some commands that must be executed before and after the backup job).

The backup files are either copied as it is or they are packed inside a ZIP file (if you choose compression), so restoring them is very easy. You do not even need any special program. You can just copy the backup files or extract them from the ZIP archives using a tool like 7-Zip.

Conclusion: Back4Sure is a simple and easy to use backup software for both the novice and the advanced Windows users alike. It does not use any proprietary file format to create the backups so you can restore them without requiring any special tool.

You can download Back4Sure from

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