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Snap2HTML: Capture Directory Structure Snapshot into HTML Files

Even though Microsoft has improved Windows File Explorer in the past few years and has also added an enhanced search function in the new versions of Windows 10, it cannot be as fast as searching an online search engine like Google for anything you want. If only you could access a web interface of the file system structure and perform a search for files as you would search a website. Now you can do exactly just that using the free Snap2HTML program that creates an HTML snapshot of the full directory structure for any folder of your choice.

Snap2HTML is a very small program but requires .NET 4.0 framework to work. In its small window, you can pick any root folder for which you want to generate the HTML snapshot. You can also pick the options if you want to include the system files or the hidden files in the snapshot. You can choose a custom page title for the HTML files. And if you want, you can also choose to link the files in the HTML file so that you can click on the links to open them. Clicking on the Create Snapshot button will generate the HTML file and you can then open it in any web browser.

Everything is saved only in just one HTML file. When you open it in the web browser, it displays the root folder and all the sub-folders in a tree-view on the left side. And if you have picked the option to link the files, then you can even click on the files to open them. You can even search for the files using any keyword using the search box on the top-right.

Conclusion: Snap2HTML can quickly create an HTML snapshot of the entire directory structure for any chosen folder. It can be used to save the folder structure for future use, for memorabilia, for helping understand PC problems and so on.

You can download Snap2HTML from

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