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Jajuk Advanced Jukebox Helps Manage Your Music Library

If your music library has become too large to be managed by your regular media player then it is time to bring the big guns aka Jajuk Advanced Jukebox. This music management software and music player can get rid of your everyday music library woes. It addresses the problem of very large music library containing thousands of music tracks by saving the database in an XML file. With this genius stroke, it can fetch your favorite music in a fraction of a second even if you have tens of thousands of music files.

Jajuk Advanced Jukebox is designed in Java and works in all the desktop operating systems – Windows, macOS and Linux. But it does require you to install JRE in your system first. You can download JRE for your platform from

Even though it is available in the portable version too, we found that the portable version download is missing some files. We had to re-download the setup installer for Windows and that one worked fine. When you launch it for the very first time, it will ask you to choose the music directory and how often it should check for any changes in that folder. You can also specify the Jajuk configuration folder where its settings are saved.

Jajuk Advanced Jukebox presents with an intuitive interface where you can display your music based on a number of ways such as simple, files, tracks, albums, playlist – all of which can be selected from the left side of the window at the click of a button. Rest of the interface consists of a music player along with some special features like ability to play random tracks, play tracks from a specific DJ, play online radio, or play newest added tracks from your music collection.

It uses open-source MPlayer player for playback of media files but does not download the CPU specific binary of MPlayer that could give better performance. The version that it actually downloads is also quite old (4.3) compared to the currently available latest version (8.3). You can manually download latest version of CPU specific binary of MPlayer from and replace it yourself.

Jajuk Advanced Jukebox might make you feel uneasy at first, but once you start using it you are going to love it. With its help, you can finally take on the daunting task of managing your music files scatterd over multiple hard drives.

You can download Jajuk Advanced Jukebox from

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