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How to Reset XMPlay Media Player

XMPlay is a very fast and small media player for Windows. It is a great replacement for now-defunct Winamp media player. It supports all the popular audio file formats such as MP3, MP4, OGG, FLAC, WMA and more. It also supports all the audio playlist formats such as M3U and M3U8. You can even make it look like Winamp through the use of skins and plugins. The thing I love about XMPlay is that it consumes very little of your system resources while at the same time producing high-quality sound output. If you have made a mess of XMPlay settings, then you may have to reset it.

Here is how you can reset XMPlay media player settings:

  1. If XMPlay is running, close it down. You may have to close it from the system tray as you may have configured it to hide in the system tray of your Windows desktop.
  2. Right-click on the XMPlay shortcut on your Windows desktop and choose Open file location. This will open the folder where XMPlay program files are placed.
  3. Locate the XMPlay settings file xmplay.ini and rename it to xmplay.old or just delete it.

We can also do all this using command prompt in the following manner:

  1. Launch command prompt by pressing Win+R, typing cmd and then pressing Enter.
  2. Give the command wmic process where “name=’xmplay.exe'” get ExecutablePath to find out the folder location where XMPlay files are placed. In my case the folder turned out to be “D:\Downloads\XMPlay”.
  3. Give the command taskkill /f /im xmplay.exe to terminate XMPlay so that it cannot modify the settings file when we rename or delete it.
  4. Give the command del [XMPLAY-PATH]\xmplay.ini to delete the XMPlay settings file where [XMPLAY-PATH] is the folder path that we discovered in step 2 above.

When you relaunch XMPlay, it will recreate the settings file and fill it with default values. This way you can quickly and easily reset XMPlay in just a few minutes.

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