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Micro : Small Syntax Highlighting Text Editor

Micro is a very small terminal based syntax-highlighting text editor for Windows, macOS and Linux. If you have ever used nano editor in Linux then you will find yourself right at home. Just like nano, Micro has to be used from the terminal on Linux or macOS and command prompt on Windows.

As far as Windows is concerned, Micro comes with pre-built binaries. So for using Micro, all you have to do is download the pre-built Micro binaries and run them from a command prompt (cmd.exe). The text editor can be invoked with a filename as the parameter to open it in Micro. When you launch it without any parameter, it can be used to create a new file.

Just like nano editor, it has ctrl based key combinations for all the file editing operations such quit, open, save, cut, find, undo, redo, duplicate line, new tab, cut line etc. For example, after you have finished editing a file, you can use Ctrl+S to save that file. For viewing all these key bindings, you can use Alt+G inside Micro.

Micro is a multi-tab text editor and we can open multiple files inside these different tabs. For opening a new tab, we can use the key combination Ctrl+T. The tab titles are shown on the top of the Micro screen and we can use Alt+< and Alt+> to navigate from one tab to another. Since Micro comes with full mouse and touchscreen support, we can use mouse to select these various tabs by clicking on them.

Micro offers syntax-highlighting for around 75 different languages, search & replace, system clipboard functions and more. It even features many commands that we can run after pressing Ctrl+E. For example, we can press Ctrl+E and then use the command replaceall to perform a full file search & replace.

You can download Micro from

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