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How to Disable Firefox Screenshots Using Registry

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Mozilla introduced a screen capture tool called Firefox Screenshots with Firefox version 60. This feature is built inside Firefox in form of an extension. Now we are using Firefox version 107 and there are people who have still never used this feature. If you are also one of those users, then you can disable it very easily.

One Mozilla recommended way of disabling the Firefox Screenshots feature in the Firefox browser is through the advanced preferences interface (about:config). From the advanced preferences page, we can search for the settings named extensions.screenshots.disabled and then change its value to true.

The problem with this method is that it disabled the Firefox Screenshots only for the current user profile of the Mozilla Firefox web browser. There is another method of using the Registry for enabling the Firefox policies which is going to disable Firefox Screenshots for all the Firefox installations, all Firefox user profiles and even portable Firefox.

Here is how we can disable Firefox Screenshots for all the instances of Firefox on your Windows PC:

  1. Press Win+R, enter regedit and press Enter to open the Windows Registry Editor.
  2. In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox. If this key does not exist, then you have to create it.
  3. In the right-side pane, right-click and choose to create a new DWORD32 value named DisableFirefoxScreenshots and change its value to 1.

In the above steps, we have used the HKCU hive of the registry which affects the currently logged in user only. This means that only the current user won’t be able to access or use Firefox Screenshots. If you want to disable Firefox Screenshots for everyone using the Windows PC, then you can make the same changes to the HKLM or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive of the Windows registry.

If you want to re-enable Firefox Screenshots once again, then you can either delete the DisableFirefoxScreenshots value from the registry or just change its value to 0.

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