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How to Enable Memory Saver in Google Chrome Browser

Google Chrome web browser is definitely a very well designed browser that is both fast and secure. Because of its judicial use of the computer resources it has become the most popular web browser in the world. And now in the newest version of the Chrome browser, there is something called the “Memory Saver”.

This new feature is going to optimize the way Chrome uses your system memory. It is specially useful when you have opened a dozen or more websites in different tabs. With so many tabs open, Chrome is going to use a great amount of the GPU and CPU power as well as the RAM.

This means that the Chrome web browser performance will degrade because it has to run and render so many open  tabs at the same time. It will also make other applications run a tad slower because Chrome would be using a whole lot of the system resources.

This is where this new feature “Memory Saver” comes handy. When it is enabled, Chrome will automatically free up the memory from the inactive tabs. This means that the active tabs and other computer applications will have more available resources. It will make the inactive tabs active again as soon as you switch to them.

In order to enable the new feature, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Chrome web browser (at least version 110).
  2. Click on the menu icon and from the menu, select More Tools and then Performance. As an alternative, we can also enter chrome://settings/performance in the address bar.
  3. In order to enable Memory Saver, we can select the toggle button labeled as displayed against the Memory Saver feature.

If you want some of the websites to stay active even if they are in the background, then you can add them to the exceptions list in the Memory Saver options.

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