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KiTTY : Telnet and SSH Client for Windows

Telnet used to very popular networking method in the old days. It is still used but not as extensively as in the past. For the Linux users, telnet features come built in the operating system. But the Windows user have to largely depend on the PuTTY telnet client. Now there is a fork of PuTTY called KiTTY which adds a few more features of its own.

Just like PuTTY, the new telnet client KiTTY has a single window user interface. In fact, you will feel like they have just swapped PuTTY with KiTTY leaving everything the same. But upon close inspection, you will find that there are some subtle differences. KiTTY has some additional features such as transparency, ability to set a custom icon, and more customization options for the terminal window.

KiTTY has better session management capabilities than PuTTY. It allows users to save and manage sessions in a more organized way, with the ability to add session icons, comments, and more.

KiTTY can make things easier with its built-in script editor, automatic login, and support for sending commands to multiple sessions at once. You can save the auto-login information for remote computers that you connect to very often. It will save your time in the future. Similarly, you can set the initial commands that you use frequently.

KiTTY is a fork of PuTTY, but it is designed specially for being used as a portable application.This means it can be run from a USB pendrive or other external hard disk drive. This makes it easy to carry around and use on different computers without having to install it on each one. Of course, you can save the settings  (such as the auto-logon script) on the portable drive as well.

But compared to PuTTY, KiTTY is available only for Windows users while PuTTY can also be used on Linux systems.

You can download KiTTY from

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