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Vovsoft IP to Country Converter: Map IP Address to Countries

All machines which are connected to the Internet are assigned an IP address. Now that IPv6 addresses have become so common, sometimes machines are assigned both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

IP addresses within a geographical region are allocated from a pre-determined block of IP addresses. This task is handled by the regional Internet registrars such as ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, AFRINIC, etc. This is why it is easy to tell the rough location of a machine just by looking at its IP address, provided that a VPN service has not been used.

For finding out, which country or region an IP address belongs to, we can use “Vovsoft IP to Country Converter”. It is a Windows application that can be used for bulk conversion of IP addresses into respective countries. It supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses.

In the Vovsoft IP to Country Converter window, we can begin by entering all the IP addresses for the conversion. We can manually type in the addresses or we can load a text file that contains all of these addresses.

Next, we have to choose how we want to translate or convert these IP addresses. We can choose to convert them into country names, country codes, continent names, or continent codes. It can also tell whether the country is an EU (European Union) member or not.

The software can handle hundreds of IP address entries and supports both Internet Protocol (IP) versions (version 4 and version 6). It uses a database that contains information about which IP address ranges belong to which countries or continents. However, these databases have failed to accurately find out the geographical locations from an IP address in the fast. Therefore the information provided by such databases should also be verified using other more accurate means.

You can download Vovsoft IP to Country Converter from

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