File Version Info Editor Reads and Updates Version Resources

File Version Info Editor (FVIE) is a powerful tool designed to allow users to modify and update version resources in executable files like EXE, DLL, and SYS files. Version resources include critical metadata about the file, such as the file version, company name, product name, and more. These details help users or systems identify specific file builds and maintain version control. By allowing updates to this information, FVIE provides a straightforward method to ensure version accuracy and uniformity across software distributions.

Reading the version info

The user interface of FVIE includes a single window. It is obviously designed for simplicity and ease of use. A user can begin by selecting a file through the “Search” button, which opens a file explorer window, allowing them to locate the desired file. Once the file is selected, clicking on the “Update” button retrieves all the version resource information contained within the file. This information is then displayed in editable fields, where users can make necessary adjustments.

It can read and update information such as file version, company name, file description, product name, product version, legal copyright, legal trademark, original file name, internal name, special build, private build, comment etc.

Exporting/importing the version info

One of the features of FVIE is its ability to save the version information into an INI file. This feature allows users to export the version data for future reference or reuse. The INI file, being a plain text file, can be manually edited in text editors like Notepad++ if needed, offering flexibility for those who prefer direct editing of configuration files. The INI file can later be loaded back into FVIE to restore the version information. All these operations are carried out through two buttons – “Import from file” and “Export to file”.

File Version Info Editor

Saving  the version info

Modifying the version resources using FVIE is straightforward. Once the user has edited the necessary fields, they can click on the “OK, change version resource” button to apply the changes to the selected file. A confirmation message will be displayed, ensuring that the update has been successfully completed. This confirmation step provides peace of mind, assuring the user that their changes have been applied correctly.

Additionally, FVIE offers the option to save a backup copy of the original file before applying any modifications. This feature is essential for safeguarding against accidental data loss or corruption. By keeping an unaltered version of the original file, users can quickly revert to it if any issues arise after modifying the file’s version information.


Overall, File Version Info Editor (FVIE) is a valuable tool for those who need to manage and update file version resources efficiently. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and options for saving backups and exporting data to INI files, it provides both flexibility and reliability in managing version information in binary files.

You can download File Version Info Editor from

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