Author: Trisha

Biographical analysis shows human DNA.

Show classic icons on desktop in Windows 7

Windows 7 shows only the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop by default. This is unlike the older versions of Windows which showed shortcut icons My Computer, Control Panel, Network etc. on the desktop. If you like the older style of desktop, you can choose to display these classic icons on your desktop in Windows 7 too.

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Disable Remote Assistance in Windows XP

The Remote Assistance feature in Windows XP allows a user to remotely connect to your computer to troubleshoot a problem that you cannot fix yourself. While this is indeed a good feature, this can open doors for a hacker to your computer. You should disable this feature until the time you really need to use it.

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Clear history in Windows Media Player 12

When you play a song, CD/DVD or movie in Windows Media Player it saves the played item in the list of frequently played items. It also stores information about all the devices that you have ever connected to the computer. This may be a privacy risk for some people and you might want to clear this history.

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