Author: Trisha

Biographical analysis shows human DNA.

Generating system health report in Windows 7

Is your Windows 7 based system healthy ? Windows 7 allows you to generate a system health report which enlists various warning, problems, test results etc. This report not only enlists the problems but also suggests a resolution for that problem. This is very helpful in knowing and solving problems related to your Windows 7 based computer.

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Delete calibrated display profile in Windows 7

Windows 7 allows you to create a calibrated display color profile to adjust the colors, contrast, brightness etc displayed by your monitor. This may help you being out the best in the way Windows 7 displays Aero effects and displays pictures. But on some computers, it may slow down Windows when you open pictures, photos etc. You can delete a calibrated color profile to get rid of this problem.

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Increase scroll speed in Mozilla Firefox 3.6

When you browse a web site in Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and scroll the page, the default web page scroll speed using the mousewheel is not very fast. If it is a very long page then you have to turn the mousewheel many times to scroll the whole page down. Fortunately, in Mozilla Firefox 3.6 you can adjust the scroll speed as explained in the following steps.

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