OpenDNS is a free DNS(domain name server) service with many extra features. You can use OpenDNS to block over 50 different category of sites. This is why it is very popular among schools. The following picture shows a site blocked by OpenDNS when a user tried to acces it through browser
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How to Use uTorrent Without Installing (Updated 2020)
μTorrent is a popular open source bit-torrent client application. When you download μTorrent and run the downloaded file, the installation program starts. The default folder of installation is C:Program FilesuTorrent. The setup also creates various shortcuts too on desktop and start menu. It appears that you cannot use it without installing first. But there is a trick that you can run the client application without installing it on your hard disk.
Read moreUse Google public DNS servers for faster browsing
Google has introduced Google public DNS servers for free public use. Google boasts that these DNS servers are really fast and more secure. Anybody can use the Google public DNS servers for free if they properly configure the internet settings. This article discusses how to configure Windows to use the Google public DNS servers
Read moreTest your internet speed
You feel you are not getting the same internet bandwidth speed as you are paying for? You can test your internet speed online to find out the real time download and upload internet bandwidth speed. You can choose from a variety of speed tests using many servers all over the world.
Read moreTake snapshot of an entire webpage in Mozilla Firefox
You want to save an entire webpage as an image. You can save it as an image (JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF) using Fireshot add-on for Firefox. You can upload the saved snapshot to a social networking site too.
Read moreReset tcp ip stack in Windows
In Windows, TCP/IP stack can become corrupted for many reasons – one of them being a malware infection. TCP/IP stack is the built-in instructions set in your computer. If you cannot connect to the Internet and you have tried all other methods to resolve the problem, TCP/IP might be causing it. Here is a way how you can rest TCP/IP stack manually.
Read moreMake Google Chrome ask where to download file
Google Chrome is a slim, fast and secure browser. But when you download a file using Google Chrome, it does not prompt you and starts downloading the file. You can change this default behavior and make Google Chrome ask for a folder to save the file in.
Read moreFilter adult results from Yahoo! search
When you search Yahoo! for a term or phrase, it lists all the results. It may list offensive or sexually explicit results too. You can change settings in Yahoo! search engine to filter such results.
Read moreHow to sign up for free Yahoo! email
Yahoo! offers a robust email solution for free to everyone. All you have to do is sign up for the free email account. Here is how you can sign up for their free email service.
Read moreManage browser add-ons in Internet Explorer
Browser add-ons are small tools or programs that change the way a web page appears in Internet Explorer. They may also add some functionality to Internet Explorer which was not previously present. You can manage Internet Explorer add-ons to enable or disable them.
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