Find IP address of a website

IP address is short for the Internet Protocol address. There are two IP versions : IP version 4 and IP version 6, but IP version 4 is in use dominantly. It is composed of four octets (numbers ranging from 0 to 255) seperated by single dots. The general format of IP address is :, i.e., four octets are written seperated by single dots. When you type a web site name like in your browser, it is translated into the IP address by the DNS server and the browser c

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Finding if a web site is unsafe to visit

These days you never know which web site is safe to visit and which is not. Some well known web sites you can readily trust, but when you are visiting a new web site, you should always check if the web site is not hosting some malware, riskware or some other attack code. In addition to using a good firewall, anti-virus and anti-malware software you can use few online services to find out if a web site is safe to visit.

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Become a GMail Ninja (expert)

So you always wanted to become a GMail expert? Now GMail offers many tips on using GMail and making you an expert or as they call it Ninja. Google is offering four types of ninja belts : white belt, green belt, black belt and finally the master. You can also download the offline PDF booklet which details all the martial art of Gmailing.

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Disable virus scan in Firefox

When you download a file with Mozilla Firefox 3, it starts to scan the downloaded file for malicious code or virus etc. This is available only for Firefox versions 3.0 and above and only on Windows. But this is pretty useless behavior for computers on which you already have a good antivirus installed as most modern antivirus software automatically scan any newly created file. You can disable Firefox to scan a newly downloaded file.

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Disable opening of PDF files inside browser

When you click on a PDF file link on a web page, the PDF file starts to open in the web browser itself. If the file is too big, your browser hangs while the PDF file is being downloaded. If you do not like this default behavior, you can change it in the options so that when you click on a PDF link, the file is not opened in the browser but the default associated program (Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader).

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Configure Gmail account in Windows Live Mail

Microsoft offers free Windows Live Mail for Windows XP, Vista and 7. In Windows Vista it comes pre-installed but in Windows XP and 7, you have to download it separately. Installing Windows Live Mail is very easy. Once you have installed, you can configure it to use an email account. This article discusses how to configure an Gmail (Google Mail) account in Windows Live Mail. The procedure is explained for Windows 7 but it is same for all Windows platforms.

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Configure Gmail POP account in Thunderbird 2

Mozilla Thunderbird is an open-source email client for Windows and Linux from the same community that develops Mozilla Firefox. You can download a free copy of Mozilla Thunderbird. Thunderbird allows easy configuration with many email services. This article describes how you can configure your Gmail POP account in Thunderbird.

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Change Mozilla Firefox theme

One reason for Mozilla Firefox browser to be so popular is that it is highly customizable unlike some other browsers. You can install addons and plugins to add more functionality to Firefox. You can also install themes to change the look of Firefox. This article tells you simple steps you can follow to install download and install a new theme to Mozilla Firefox.

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