You want to save an entire webpage as an image. You can save it as an image (JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF) using Fireshot addon for Firefox. You can upload the saved snapshot to a social networking site too. Follow these instructions to install and use the Piknik addon in Mozilla Firefox :
- Start Firefox
- Visit in Firefox.
- Click on the big green button that says Add to Firefox (Windows) as shown :
- When Firefox asks your permission, click Install to install this addon. Then restart your Firefox browser.
- When Firefox restarts, you would see a big red S on the top-right Firefox as shown :
- When you want to take the snapshot of a page click on this big red S and select Capture entire page → Save
- Follow onscreen instruction by selecting a file and compression ratio etc.
Fireshot can come really handy for saving the login information when you first sign up for an email account or other accounts etc.