Use ClearType in Windows XP

By default, Windows XP does not use the ClearType technology to display the fonts and texts on screen. The ClearType technology makes the text more readable and smooth on the LCD monitors. The ClearType is installed when you install Internet Explorer 7 or 8 in Windows XP. But to use it in Windows GUI, you need another tool – ClearType Tuning Tool. Here is how you can install and enable ClearType in Windows XP.

Note : You should install Internet Explorer 7 or later for this to work.

  1. Download the ClearType Tuning Tool from
  2. Run the setup and after installation you would see the ClearType Tuning Tool window. If you do not see it, you can run it from the Control Panel. You will have to open the Control Panel in the classic mode to see the ClearType Tuning Tool icon. Another way of running it is : open Start Menu → Run, type cttune.cpl in the Run dialog and press Enter.
  3. Check the box labeled Turn On ClearType and click the button Apply
  4. Select the Advanced tab. Check the checbox labeled Enable font smoothing. From the dropdown list, select ClearType. Click the OK button.

That’s it. Now you can enjoy much clearer and smoother text display in your Windows XP PC.