When you browse the web, Opera stores the information about the web sites you visit, including the web site content, cache, cookies and any user names and passwords you enter. Other people who use your computer can view that information. If you don’t want this information stored, use Private Browsing feature of Opera. Here is how :
- Run your Opera browser.
- Click the red colored Opera menu button on the top-left.
- From the popup menu, select Tabs and Windows → New Private Tab
- You would see a new opened private tab. This tab is private. You can visit any web site in this tab. All the activity within this private tab will be destroyed as soon as you close the Opera browser.
- If instead of a private tab, you want to open a new private window, then you can select New Private Window from the same menu. You can also press the keyboard combination Ctrl + Shift + N to open a new private window.