Often you encounter web sites which require you to supply your email address for viewing, downloading or accessing some content. If you give your regular email address to them, there is a slight probability that you would soon start receiving spam on that address. But if you are a Firefox user, then you can install the TrashMail.net add-on which can automatically generate a disposable email address and fill it in the email address fields. The benefit of the disposable address is that you can use it once and forget about it. Here is how :
- Visit https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/trashmailnet/ in your Firefox browser.
- Click on the green colored button labeled Add to Firefox.
- Click on the Install Now button in the Software Installation window that pops up. You will have to restart the Firefox browser in order to activate this add-on.
- After restarting the Firefox browser, you will see a popup window from TrashMail.net where you have to register for a new account. This account is necessary for you to create and later access the disposable email addresses, so go ahead and register a new account.
- Now you are ready to use the TrashMail add-on. Using it is pretty easy. Just right-click in the text field where you want to fill the TrashMail disposable email address and choose Paste disposable address as shown.
- You will be asked various parameters like number of forwards, expiration time etc. After choosing the parameters of your choice, click on the Create email button to create your disposable email address. It will be auto-filled in the selected text field.
- That’s it. Now when someone sends you a message to this disposable email address, it would be forwarded to your real email address. The “number of forwards” parameter that you set when creating the disposable email address determines how many forwards are possible. You can access all your TrashMail.net disposable email addresses and other settings by visiting https://ssl.trashmail.net/?lang=en&cmd=manager.
Although there are many other disposable email address services available over the internet, the TrashMail.net add-on makes it really easy to create and use disposable email addresses by integrating the service right into the Firefox web browser. You can create free disposable email addresses and paste them directly in web forms. This helps to protect you from spam mails and could be useful when subscribing to forums or newsletters.