Two of the best free system program suites for Microsoft Windows are Sysninternals program suite and the NirSoft programs suite. But both of these suites do not offer an automatic method of downloading or updating the programs. You have to manually download the updated editions of the individual programs one at a time and use them. But now you do not have do the manual labor anymore. Now you can download and update Sysinternals and NirSoft programs automatically using WSCC (Windows System Control Centre).
WSCC is a free, portable program that allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites. WSCC can install and update the supported utilities automatically. Alternatively, WSCC can use the http protocol to download and run the programs. WSCC is portable, installation is not required. Extract the content of the downloaded zip archive to any directory on your computer.
The WSCC interface is very user friendly. It shows three categories in the left side Sysinternals, NirSoft and Windows. There are sub-categories for grouping different kinds of programs and utilities. When you click on a sub-category, for example Network, it shows all the utilities under that catories in the right-side panel. You can click on a button under a utility’s description to download and install it. If a utility is already installed, then clicking on its button would launch it. You can update all the tools by clicking on the Update link on the top-right of the window.
WSCC is free and is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. You can use it Windows XP, Vista and 7. You can download WSCC from