If you are a security conscious person, then you understand the importance of keeping your installed software up-to-date. Using updated software ensures that you are not vulnerable to any security holes that could be used by a potential hacker to break into your system and steal your personal and financial information. Its not so hard to keep your software updated. You can use the free AutoUp software to automatically check for software updates, download updates and install them.
AutoUp is a small portable tool for Windows that you can use to check for software updates. You can use it to check for third party software updates as well as Microsoft updates. In addition to getting software updates using AutoUp, you can also use it to download new software. It embeds a comprehensive list of frequently used application, that you can easily copy to your computer with just one single click of the mouse button.
You can download it from its website at site50. It is a portable application so you do not have to install anything in order to run it. It is designed using .NET 2.0, so you should have .NET 2.0 Framework installed in Windows. If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, then you already have .NET 2.0 installed on your system. When AutoUp runs for the first time, check all the software you want to scan for update and then just click on the Scan button to let it scan your system for updates software.
In a short time, it would display a list of software installed on your system with installed version, latest version and scan result. The scan result can be Beta Update, Up to date or Update found. If the scan result is Update found, then you are using an obsolete or older version of that software. To download an updated software, select the software from the list by placing a checkmark in its checkbox and then click on the Download button. You have to select a download location on your hard disk and it would download a latest version of the selected software in that folder. You can later manually install the downloaded software from there.
Apart from download third party software updates, it can also check for Microsoft Windows updates. You can use this feature if you are not using the Automatic Updates feature of Microsoft Windows. But I strongly recommend that you use the Windows’ Automatic Updates feature to keep your Windows up-to-date. You can read how to set Windows to update automatically for more details.
You can also use AutoUp to download new software and install it on your Windows system. It enlists a huge list of software that you can download and install – most of these are either freeware or open-source programs. In the System section, you can see information about your system like your computer name, operating system version and edition, display screen resolution and refresh rate, hardware information and internet connectivity.
AutoUp does for third party software what Microsoft Automatic Updates does for Microsoft products. Actually, it is hard to believe that Microsoft has not given an automatic update feature for third party software. You can use AutoUp to auomatically download and update non-Microsoft software. You can download AutoUp from http://h-q.site50.net/.