How to Hide Facebook Email Address in Timeline

About a year ago, Facebook rolled out its email service and you could apply for a free facebook email ending in Now things have changed and everyone is automatically assigned a random free facebook address. You are free to customize your facebook email address. When someone sends an email message to this facebook email address, the message appears on your timeline. But many people do not like this facebook email address because it is visible to everyone on your timeline by default. If you do not want it to appear on your facebook timeline then you can follow these instructions to hide it :

  1. Visit facebook website in your web browser. Open your timeline by clicking on your name shown on the top-right corner as shown in the picture below.

    Hide Facebook Email Address in Timeline

  2. In your timeline, you would find an About link under your photo. Click on this About link to open your contact information as shown in the picture below.

    Hide Facebook Email Address in Timeline

  3. Scroll down on your About page and you would be able to locate your Contact Info box. In this box, click on the Edit button shown to the left. In the edit box that pops up, click on the circle icon shown next to your facebook email address and select Hidden from Timeline as shown in the following picture.

    Hide Facebook Email Address in Timeline

  4. If you want to hide this facebook email address from your friends, then click on the friends icon shown next to the facebook email address and select Only to me.

    Hide Facebook Email Address in Timeline

  5. Finally click on the Save button at the bottom of the edit box for Contact Info to save the settings.

The facebook email address ( cannot be removed from your facebook account. By default, it appears in your timeline and everyone can view it on your contact information page. If you do not like just anyone posting messages on your timeline using this email address, then you can hide it using the guidelines above. This way you can hide not only your facebook email address but any other email address that you have added to your facebook account.