Remember how in the old times we used to take cuttings from newspapers and magazines to add them in an album for collecting information about something that interested us. My elder sister used to collect pictures of actors and cutdown all the magazines. Times have changed and now we are using the internet for information more than the books, newspapers or magazine. But you can still save notes, memes and other types of data from websites using the Papercuts extension for Google Chrome web browser. It allows you to save notes and reminders in Google Chrome and you can sync your saved data across many devices or computers too.
After you have installed the Papercuts extension in the Chrome web browser, you would notice a new icon in the toolbar (next to the address bar). You can click on this toolbar icon to open the Papercuts dropdown window. Here you have to click on the plus button to add a new note. You can manually type the new label and new text note for it. You can copy-paste the note as well.
Papercuts extension allows you to not only manually add the notes, but you can also right-click on a selected portion of text in any website and choose to add it to the Papercuts collection of notes. This would copy the selected text to a new note in the Papercuts extension. Of course, you can also manually copy and paste the text in the notes.
After adding the notes in the Papercuts, you can access them easily anytime you want. To view all the added notes, just click on the Papercuts icon in the toolbar to open a list of all the added notes. In this drop-down window, you can click on the Notebook button which opens a new tab showing all the notes.
You can download Papercuts extension from