Most of the websites store information in your web browser using the cookies. These cookies can improve the way a website interacts with your web browser. For example, a forum stores the login information in form of a cookie so that you do not have to login everytime you visit that site. But there are other sites which use cookies to track your browsing behavior. If you do not want to remove all the cookies from your Firefox browser, then you can selectively remove only a few of them. You can follow these simple instructions to selectively remove some of the cookies from Firefox :
- Open Firefox browser. Click on the orange Firefox button on the top-left corner and select Options → Options from the menu that appears.
- In the Options window, select the Privacy tab. Then click on the remove individual cookies as shown in the following picture.
- In the Cookies window, you can scroll down the list and view the cookies for every domain that has stored cookies on your Firefox browser. When you select a cookie in the list, its contents, expiry time and other information is shown in the window. You can click on the Remove Cookie button to remove that cookie.
You can also click on the Remove All Cookies to clear all the stored cookies in Firefox, but it would also clear the good helpful cookies like the cookies for Google login account, Youtube login account etc.