Perform a Google Reverse Image Search for Any Image on Any Webpage

Many people do not know about Google reverse image search feature which performs reverse image search for any image that you upload or provide the link for. This service is great as you can search about where else on the internet an image has been used. If same image is not found then google shows similar images which again is useful to find interesting websites. But the problem with this feature is that you have to either download an image to your computer and then upload it to Google image search or you have to copy paste the URL link of the image. Both these tasks are not easy to perform and you have to go through several steps in order to do the search. But if you are a Google Chrome user, then you can use the Search by Image extension developed by Google to add a right-click menu for every image on any website using which you can reverse search Google for any image easily.

You can download and install the Search by Image extension from the Google Chrome webstore site. After the installation is done, you can open any website that contains images. Then right-click on the image for which you want to perform reverse image search and select Search Google with this image from the context menu.

Perform a Google Reverse Image Search for Any Image on Any Webpage

This would result in opening up of another tab where Google image search would display the search results. The results include the best guess for the image, the websites related to this best guess, visually similar images and websites that contain this image in different dimensions.

Perform a Google Reverse Image Search for Any Image on Any Webpage

In the settings for this extension (which you can access by typing chrome://extensions in the location bar of Chrome browser), you can select if you want to display the Google image search icon when you hover our mouse cursor over an image. This feature displays a tiny icon in the lower right corner of every image over which you hover your mouse cursor. Clicking on this icon would perform the Google reverse image search for that image. This saves you from the trouble of right-clicking on the images.

Perform a Google Reverse Image Search for Any Image on Any Webpage

The Search by Image extention is a great way to to search about the images found on websites. Suppose you encounter an image of a beautiful beach on a website but without giving any description or location of that beach, then you can just right-click on it, do a Google image search and find out where that beach is located. You can do this for images of people, clothes, jewelry, electronic gadgets and many more types of images.

You can download the Search by Image extension from


  1. I’m using Tineye website and extension from years.
    Works fine, even if the picture has been slightly modified (size, details…).

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