Twitter is a great way to interact with your family, friends and also other like-minded people. Many professionals use Twitter to connect with their clients everyday. But just like any other social networking website, Twitter is also infested with people who make your life miserable, in general by posting cliché tweets multiples times a day. Luckily, now you can mute such tweets using the Silencer extension in the Google Chrome web browser.
The Silencer extension can be installed from the Google Chrome Web Store. After you have installed this extension in the Chrome web browser, you would notice a new icon in the toolbar (next to the address bar). This icon is made from a picture of man putting finger on his lips. You can click on this icon to add words, phrases, spoilers, people or hashtags.
You can add almost any type of word that you want to block in your Twitter feed. For example, if you do not want to view any more news about wars, then just type “war” in the Silencer extension and click on the Mute button. This would simply block any tweets containing this term from appearing in your Twitter feed saving you from the misery of reading about things you just do not want to hear about.
You may think that if you do not want to see someone’s tweets in your Twitter feed, then why not just unfollow them? The reason is simple – social politeness. Additionally, you cannot just unfollow your close friends and relatives, even though you get icky tweets from them on a regular basis. This is why Silencer is very useful extension. It lets you block specific tweets from everyone without letting them have any idea that they are being blocked.
You can download Silencer extension from