Sometimes we download an ISO that claims to be a bootable CD image but it does not seem to work. That makes us think if the ISO is really bootable or our system is not properly configured to boot from a CD. Instead of rebooting your PC and checking your system BIOS for settings, it is quicker to check if a CD or DVD is bootable or not. The freeware program CDInfo helps you find such information about your optical media (CD, DVD and Blueray disks).
CDInfo can detect the following types of information about your optical media:
- Find out if your CD/DVD is bootable or not.
- Find out if your disk has extended hybrid HFS MAC partition.
- View which software (like Nero CD Burner) was used to burn the CD/DVD.
- View the manufacturer of the optical media. For example, Sony, Samsung etc.
- Identify the media manufacturer, media ID and media type from the ATIP region of CD, DVD and Blue-ray discs.
You can download the CDInfo application from the SZ Software Development website. The download is available as a portable application packed inside a ZIP archive. You can download and extract the contents from the ZIP file and run CDInfo.exe from there. CDInfo would immediately show the information about any loaded CD/DVD/BD in your optical drives.
CDInfo automatically detects any new optical media that you load. If it does not detect any newly inserted disks, then you can click on the Refresh button to reload all the information again. You can see this information in form of a treeview showing you both the disk manufacturer information (manufacturer name, ID, disk type etc.) as well as the ISO related data (application used, time of creation, publisher etc.).
You can download the CDinfo software from