View EXIF Information for Pictures in Internet Explorer with iExif

The EXIF data (short for, exchangeable image file format) is a special data attached to pictures taken by digital cameras. This metadata can contain information about the camera make and model as well as how, when and where the picture was taken. Usually you need a separate application like IrfanView or ACDSee viewer to have a look at this EXIF metadata, but now now you can view EXIF for any picture right inside your web browser using the iExif add-on for Internet Explorer.

iExif is a BHO (browser helper object) for the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser. It supports versions 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Internet Explorer. You can download and install this add-on in your computer from the iExif website. The download is around two megabytes in size. After the installation, when you run Internet Explorer, you would see a prompt to enable the newly added BHO. You should click on the Enable button so that you can use it.

View EXIF Information for Pictures in Internet Explorer with iExif

Once you have enabled the BHO, you can start browsing the websites like usual. When browsing a website, iExif would search that webpage for all the loaded images and collect the EXIF metadata for images if it exists. When you hover your mouse cursor over a picture on that webpage, it will display the EXIF metadata on the cursor’s tip. If the picture does not have any EXIF metadata, then nothing is shown.

View EXIF Information for Pictures in Internet Explorer with iExif

Most of the websites do not use pictures with EXIF data in order to reduce the picture filesize so that the webpage is loaded quickly. But you can find pictures with EXIF data on sites like Flickr where photographers upload high quality pictures directly from their digital cameras. The iExif website also contains a sample image on which you can test the iExif add-on.

You can download iExif add-on from