Sometimes we download a PDF file and want to modify it a little but that requires expensive applications like Adobe PDF Editor or Foxit PDF Editor. But now you can get Debenu PDF Tools for free and use them to not only modify your PDF files but also for converting, merging, splitting, modifying the properties, changing or removing passwords and much more.
You can download the Debenu PDF Tools package from the Debenu products website. The download is available in form of an installer package of more than 20 megabytes. After the installation, when you right-click on any PDF file in Windows File Explorer, you would see a new sub-menu Debenu PDF Tools which has many of the features that can be invoked by selecting the respective items.
The PDF Preview features shows you a preview of your selected PDF file. The Document Properties shows the properties of the PDF document like who created the PDF file, which software was used to create it and so on. The Convert option can be used to convert the PDF files into images like JPEG or PNG files. It can also be used to convert PDF files into text files. Additionally, you can also convert text or image files to PDF documents.
The Editor component can edit the various components of the PDF documents like attachments, annotations, bookmarks, document properties, javascript and obviously the pages. There are also features to extract and remove the bookmarks in a PDF file. You can also select many PDF files, right-click on them and select to merge them together into a single PDF file. If you want to extract the pages from a PDF file, then you can split it into individual pages.
Debenu PDF Tools is a whole package to work with your PDF files. All the tools are designed to work through the right-click menu. The free version of Debenu PDF Tools offers all the tools that one may need for manipulating the PDF documents, but if you want more features then you can get the paid Pro edition which has features like removing annotations, applying digital signatures and more.
You can download Debenu PDF Tools from its website at
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