Youtube is the largest video sharing and live video streaming website in the world. It has billions of videos uploaded by ordinary people, professionals and companies alike. There is hardly any topic, videos about which you cannot find on Youtube. If you also upload your videos on Youtube, then you may have noticed that it imposes a limit of uploading videos of only 15 minutes length. Trying to upload a longer video results in failure. This is done to prevent people from uploading illegal videos (which are usually of longer duration than 15 minutes) on Youtube. But you can easily identify yourself and remove this limit in Youtube.
Here is how you can upload videos of duration longer than 15 minutes on Youtube:
- Visit Youtube in your web browser. Login to Youtube using your credentials.
- Once you have logged in, visit the Youtube account features page at
- Scroll down and you would find a feature named Longer videos. Next to it would a button labeled Enable. Click on this Enable button.
- This would take you to the account verification page, where you have to verify your phone number. Select a country, choose either text message or automated voice call mode verification, enter your phone number and click on the Submit button to continue.
- Soon, you would receive a verification code on your mobile phone or an automated voice call on your phone. Enter the code you receive either way, in the second step of verification process and click on the Submit button.
- If everything goes okay, you would be shown a message that your Youtube account has been verified. Now the upload limit of 15 minute videos has been removed and you can start sharing longer videos on your Youtube account.
Now that this limit has been removed by Youtube for your account, you should also respect their policies, terms and conditions. Do not try to upload any video that violates Youtube guidelines or infringes on someone’s copyrighted material.