Sometimes when I am finding it hard to sleep, I play some music on the internet and fall asleep listening to it. But the only obvious problem to this solution is that my PC stays on all through the night. I was looking for some way to automatically shutdown the PC after some time when I came across the free Delayed Shutdown program. The Delayed Shutdown allows you to automatically turn off your Windows PC after a preset number of minutes. This way I can play music on the internet and happily fall asleep knowing that my PC is going to be automatically turned off.
You can get Delayed Shutdown from the Styopkin Software website. The download is a setup installer of around 600 kilobytes in size. The same installer can be used to install the software on both the 32-bit and 64-bit machines. After the installation, you can launch Delayed Shutdown from the desktop shortcut.
The Delayed Shutdown has a very simple interface. There is a slider to set the timer using which you can choose how many minutes later you want your PC to be turned off. You can set this time from 5 seconds to 24 hours. There is a Start button clicking on which would start the timer. After you start the timer, you can leave your PC and go to bed and fall asleep.
By default, the maximum interval of time you can set is 6 minutes and each step in the slider is 15 seconds. But in the Delayed Shutdown options, you can configure these settings and set the step from 5 minutes to 60 minutes, and the maximum interval from 2 hours to 24 hours.
If you often fall asleep while watching television shows or movies on your computer and let the PC run all the night long, then Delayed Shutdown is for you. It can help you automatically turn off your PC after a pre-specified time interval.
You can download Delayed Shutdown from