HTML5 is the latest incarnation of the popular HTML markup language which is used to create web pages. The new version HTML5 uses the <video> tag to embed the HTML5 compatible videos in your webpages. These HTML5 compatible videos can be played directly by the web browsers without requiring any third-party plugin like Adobe Flash player etc. But all types of videos cannot be embedded using the <video> tag in HTML5. If you want to publish your video on an HTML5 ready webpage, then first you have to convert it to one of the formats that are compatible with HTML5. You can use the freeware Easy HTML5 Video to convert any video to an HTML5 compatible format.
You can get the Easy HTML5 Video from their website in form of a setup installer. It is available both for the Windows and Mac computers. After the installation, you can run it from its desktop shortcut. To begin, you can drag-n-drop any video file(s) on the Easy HTML5 Video window.
Next, you can choose various options for the conversion. You can select the target video formats from WebM, MP4, OGG, MP4 (low res) and MP4 (flash fallback). To cover the support of more of the web browsers, you can select more than one formats.
You can choose the size, width, height, resize method and quality of the video etc. There are options to set the autoplay, controls, looping etc. Once you have set these options, you can click on the Start button to start the video conversion.
The conversion process may take a long time depending on various factors like the speed of your PC processor, the number of video formats you have selected, how many processes are being run on your system, etc. Finally, you can upload the sample HTML files and the output videos to your website if you want.
Conclusion: HTML5 videos are the latest trend for the websites. You can use the freeware Easy HTML5 Video to convert any video to an HTML5 compatible format, so that they can be played on your HTML5 ready websites.