If you store your important data on your computer than you have to be extra careful about the files in which the data is stored. One accidental click can cause you to delete those files from your computer. The possibility of such unwanted incidents further increases if you have little children or kittens around your workplace. The little kids and kittens both love to play with the keyboard and often do the damage unknowingly. You realize that your files have been deleted only when you need them. But if you have already lost your files due to one of many possible reasons, then you can use the free Reincubate Recover Files software to retrieve your deleted files.
The Reincubate Recover Files software is free and is available from the Reincubate software website. The downloaded setup installer contains adware, so you have to pay attention during the installation progress. After the installation, the Reincubate Recover Files program launches itself but you can also launch it from the desktop shortcut. The GUI is very easy to use. All you have to do is select a target disk drive or volume and click on the Scan button to start scanning that volume for deleted files.
At the end of the scan, you are shown a list of deleted files along with their filenames, file sizes and the file paths. You can select a file to see more information about it in the right-side box. You can select multiple files and click on the Recover button to recover those files.
In the free edition, it can recover only up to a maximum of 4 deleted files at one time. If you try to recover more than 4 files, then it shows a message to register the program to the paid version. But you can recover more than 4 files in the free edition in different batches.
In the settings for the Reincubate Recover Files program, you can choose whether to display the detected deleted files in list view or tree view format. You can also choose to scan for zero byte files, perform a deep scan, search the recycle bin and more.
Conclusion: The Reincubate Recover Files program is a very simple and easy way to restore your deleted files. It can perform deep scan to recover hard-to-find files and can recover files from corrupted NTFS and FAT drives.
You can download Reincubate Recover Files from http://www.filesrecover.net/.