Back in the old days when young people met for the first time and liked the company, they asked each other’s phone numbers. But now the younger generation asks for Kik, Snapchat and Instagram account names instead. Perhaps this is because they spend more time on these interactive and free services compared to old school and boring telephone conversations. Take Instagram for example, it allows you to upload your pictures and a few seconds long videos to share with the rest of the world – where else you would find such a unique way to share the moments of your personal or public life. Even many companies and organizations have started to have their own Instagram accounts, for example, there is an official FIFA account that is sharing amazing FIFA 2014 pictures from Brazil.
Instagram is not available for Windows or any other desktop operating system and the Android or iPhone apps do not allow you to save the pictures locally – so basically you cannot download pictures shared by other people on Instagram. But if you really want to download the pictures of any user on Instagram, then you can use the free Instagram Saver application for Windows.
After installing and launching the application, all you have to do is type in the Instagram username of the Instagram account and click on the Download button. This will start the downloading of pictures from that user to your pre-specified download directory. By default the download directory is somewhere in the User Profile folder, but you can change to any convenient location you want. At the completion of the download process, it will open the download folder so that you can view the downloaded images.
In the settings for Instagram Saver, you can choose it to check for updates, open the download folder when download is complete, prevent download of already downloaded files and enable downloading of videos from the Instagram too. You can also increase the number of parallel downloads (files downloaded at the same time).
Conclusion: Instagram Saver can help you download the pictures and videos of any Instagram user very easily. It is a great application to create a local backup of your images and videos that you have uploaded to Instagram.
You can download Instagram Saver from