Torque Voice Search : Shake & Speak to Search on Android Devices

Everybody knows that you can use the Google Voice Search in any Android device to quickly search for anything on the Internet. Typically, you begin by saying “OK Google” and when the voice search screen appears, you can speak for whatever you want to search for. Now Microsoft has also launched a similar app called Torque Voice Search which is available both for the Android smart phones as well as the smart watches running on Android. Torque Voice Search is launched by shaking the watch or the phone and then speaking into the microphone.

When you install the Torque Voice Search app, it shows the tutorial with basic instructions about how you can launch the app on your smart watch. You have to twist the wrist forward and backward and then speak into the watch for searching through this app.

Microsoft Torque Voice Search

But before you can begin using this app, you have to sign in to your Microsoft account (as this app is designed by Microsoft). After signing in, it shows the settings where you can choose whether you want to launch the app by shaking your smart phone, whether you want to use the metric system or the imperial system etc.

Once everything is ready, you can shake your phone or twist your wrist watch to make the Torque Voice Search appear. You can speak for the search terms like “weather in new york” or “marry the night” and the Bing powered search results appear in the small app interface. You can swipe up and down in the app screen to see more results and touch on them to open them in the browser.

Microsoft Torque Voice Search

Verdict: Microsoft’s Torque Voice Search gives the Android users one more voice search options both in the smart phones as well as the smart watches – although the screen size of app is too small to be of much use on large screen smart phones.

You can get Torque Voice Search from