Control USB Access in Windows with Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager

Whenever my neighbors or friends come to my place, they bring some of their videos and pictures on USB sticks.The first thing they do is plug in their USB stick in my notebook computer and start playing music or videos stored on it. This is all so much fun, but sometimes they bring in malware infected USB sticks. Fortunately, my avast! antivirus catches all the malicious files before it can do some serious damage, but the whole idea of someone inserting their infected USB stick in my PC worries me a lot. So now I am using the free Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager. This simple and portable tool allows you to manage the USB disks access in your Windows PC.

As you launch the USB Disks Access Manager tool, it shows you three options for the USB disks access in your PC – allow read and write access, allow read only access and disable all the access. You can simply select one of these options from the list and click on the Apply button to bring the selected access policy in effect.

Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager

The first option (Allow read and write) option makes the policy such that you can access the USB disks without any restrictions – you can access the files, delete them or copy them to the USB disk. The second option (Allow read only) limits your access to the USB disks so that you cannot delete or modify files on the USB disk drives. The last option (Disable USB disk detection) completely blocks the USB disks detection, so that your computer will remain completely oblivious of any USB disks connected to it.

Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager

Conclusion: The Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager is an ideal tool to block USB disks access on a public computer (like the computers in library) if the people using the computers are abusing the USB access.

You can download the Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager from