DriveTheLife Keeps Windows Drivers Up-to-Date

The device drivers are special software programs that act as the interface bridge between hardware and the Windows operating system. Without the correct device driver, Windows will not be able to recognize the hardware and work with it. This is why when you buy a new printer, you have to install the printer drivers in Windows before you can start using that printer. The same is true for all kinds of hardware, except that some of the drivers for devices like keyboards and mice are already built inside Windows. In order to get the most out of your computer and the peripherals, you should always keep the latest version of device drivers installed in your PC. You can do it manually, or let the free DriveTheLife software do it automatically for you.

DriveTheLife is a simple drivers manager from Windows – it can backup the existing device drivers and update the drivers to the latest available versions by downloading them from the internet. During the installation of DriveTheLife, you can choose the drivers backup folder where all the backup files shall be kept.


As soon as it is launched, it starts to scan your system for all the obsolete device drivers which might take a couple of minutes. This is followed by the displaying of a report about how many drivers need repairing and how many of them need backup. By repairing it means that you can update those drivers to non-Microsoft versions by downloading from the internet. For example, my PC uses Microsoft’s default drivers for NVidia GPU. But by “repairing”, I could download NVidia released drivers and use them on the PC.


In the Local section, you will see the status of the drivers on your PC (which of them need repair and which of them require a backup). You can choose to manually download the drivers by clicking on the Manual button or let it automatically update the drivers by clicking on the Start button.


Under the Manage section, you can choose to backup the drivers eligible for it, restore the drivers from previous backups and even uninstall the drivers from your PC. Uninstalling the drivers could be useful when you are installing a new version of driver.


Conclusion: DriveTheLife is a simple driver backup and update manager for Windows. It can be used to create a backup of existing drivers and update them to the latest available versions.

You can download DriveTheLife from

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